Requirements for works and assessment criteria 

A situational task solution

drawn up as an outpatient card containing the next sections:



Complaints: pain in the right eye

Objectively: vis OD = 0.2, pericorneal injection, small precipitates on the cornea, narrow pupil, light sluggish response to light, there are adhesions (synechia) along the pupillary edge, vitreous body opacification, the fundus is not visible . IOP normal.

Preliminary diagnosis: iridocyclitis of the right eye

Plan of additional examination methods: lungs fluorogramm, rheumatic complex, RW, consultations of otolaryngologist, dentist

GP tactics:

1) instillation of 1% atropine solution in the eye

2) immediately refer the patient to an ophthalmologist 

The volume of a situational task solution is 0.5-0.75 A4 page 

Evaluation criteria 

All types of the work (oral answer through Google meet, test control, and answer for the situational task) are evaluated on a 4-point system (from 2 to 5 points).

The mark for the lesson is calculated as the arithmetic mean of all 3 marks. This grade is put in the electronic journal.

The grade for the cycle on a 200-point system is calculated as the arithmetic mean of all current marks multiplied by a factor of 40.